For months I've been hearing that "Change is right on the horizon" and "Your blessings will be raining down soon," and all I can say is that the horizon is here. I can feel a change happening inside of me, and also all around of me. It all started with me and my actions. Moving with intention and straying away from what no longer belongs. I truly feel like myself, like I've come back to myself. Maybe this is who I was as a small child, full of excitement, wonder, and the confidence needed to go after my dreams. I felt a strong spark, and I ran with it, kind of like a firework being lit and set of; sometimes it sparks, and sometimes it doesn't, but this time it did. This is definitely my time to shine, and I'm not letting that slip by for anyone or anything, not even myself. The days of standing in my own way are over, and that's what has really opened me up to this new and wonderful world that I'm experiencing.
I've been trying new things and pushing myself beyond what I previously believed was possible. Getting deeper into my art and reigniting childhood passions, like creating comics and putting my art out there for the public to see. I've been trying my hand at audio and video call readings for a few months now, just to see how it feels, and I absolutely love it, especially video call readings. Having the opportunity to connect with such lovely souls is an amazing experience because it is so sincere, and such an open and safe space. This isn't a service *yet*, but it will be soon. If you know anything about me, it is that I am SHY online and very social offline. I don't know what it is, but I have always been this way. I'm working through it one step at a time. I've been writing more, but more so offline. Writing in notebooks just hits different, but when I'm ready to I'll post some of that too, so stay tuned. All in all, I've been doing a lot. I won't mention all of it because it's meant to be worked on in silence until the time is right. That's something else that I've learned is that there is so much peace in working on things in private and in silence. The less that I open my mouth, the easier it is for me to progress with what I am doing.
2022 is almost over, and I honestly want to say that I am so proud of myself. I deserve all of my flowers, and I want to be the first one to rain them down on me. The person that I was this time last year was completely different. She was timid, hesitant to speak up, and was grieving the parts of herself that no longer belonged, all while having the confidence to continue on. It's pretty amazing to think that I am that girl. I put in the work, honored myself, did what I had to do, and that is the greatest gift that I could've ever worked for. This is my harvest season. What I thought was impossible is suddenly becoming my reality, and I couldn't be happier. Ever since December 2019 I have been saying that I feel like I'm training for something. I didn't know what something was, but it felt important. It felt like it would require growth, release, and a ton of self work. It was not easy, and I honestly didn't expect it to be, but it was more than worth it. I am so thankful. I can't wait to see what is in store next.
Life Lessons:
-Keep striving for what you want, even if it feels out of reach. Sometimes we just need to work hard and stay consistent, and if something is not for you, then you will feel it in your bones, but it's up to you to pay attention to that feeling.
-Not telling everyone your business is not a bad thing, even though people might make you feel that way. You don't have to speak on anything that you do not feel comfortable speaking on.
-You are the captain of your ship, and you're going to have to learn to maneuver it. No one can truly teach you to be you, except for you.
-Life is always going to be full of ups and downs no matter who you are or what you do.
-Pay attention to people's actions and try not to get so hung up on their words. Empty promises will always be a thing, so learn to identify the red flags.
-Growth takes time. It's not always going to be an overnight occurrence.
-Treat yourself with respect by honoring your boundaries, and that means with everyone. No one should get a pass when it comes to your peace.
-Move accordingly.
MVS Updates:
-I moved the forum tab, so it is now more visible to website visitors and members. I recommend checking it out. There are some great (and free) messages on there.
-It's almost time for another giveaway, but this time it will be for members of my website only. Become a free member to enter when the giveaway goes live.
-Receive $10 off of full readings (the whole pie) by using code "thankyousm" at checkout. Valid until November 30, 2022.
-There is something great in the works, so be sure to follow me on Instagram (@myvenussoul).
I too have little to say, you nailed it.😎😍