As the season prepares to change, I am doing the same. This entire year has been a time of preparation and deep-rooted change. It's a year that I'm proud of yet very tired from. My body and mind are tired and need rest, so rest is my focus right now. Know that it's ok to take breaks, whether they're long or short. Sometimes the best plan of action is taking a step back instead of charging forward. Last year around this time, I was tired, worn down, and deeply depressed because I wasn't listening to what my body was desperately calling out for. This year, I'm doing things differently. I'm willingly taking a business break until next year to rest, regroup, and really figure out what my next steps will be. Many changes are coming to My Venus Soul and because of that, I'm not going to rush the process. I'm going to take my sweet time and relaunch closer to spring. Right now is all about me listening to my intuition, to spirit, and to my benevolent ancestors rather than trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of life. I'm more than a business owner. I'm a real person who is learning the ins and outs of life one day at a time and I'm proud of that. I'm proud of myself.
What to expect from me next year:
-A new business model
-New services and offerings
-A possible business name change
-A redesigned website