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Writer's pictureAriana

A Journey Within

Take breaks. Rest. Give your body time to catch up with your mind. Allow yourself to reconnect with yourself and acknowledge everything that has changed. This world is so fast paced that it can be difficult to remember to slow down and take stock of life. The clock is ticking but you don't have to be held captive to trying to keep up with every passing second, minute, and hour. Do what you can to bring peace into your life and your entire being. This entire year has been about me putting certain parts of my life to rest while also nurturing the newness that is being born into it. Nothing has stayed the same and it's been a lot to grasp. It felt like a rug was pulled from under my feet without any notice and for once, I didn't feel like I was falling into an endless abyss. I wasn't overwhelmed with fear because I've done this before and have survived time and time again. Looking to past experiences and to times where I was braver than I thought was possible, has been so uplifting. My loved ones and the people around me are constantly pointing out how bold I am when it comes to facing life and facing my fears, which is something that I tend to overlook, but I'm working on changing that. I'm a bold, fierce, and powerful woman, whose transformative abilities can never be stopped or hindered. I am anything but dull like I used to think. During this period of my life, I am rewriting my life's story and including in who I am now, but also who I was, except I'm now observing myself through a new lens. Self-doubt and lack of confidence stripped me of my ability to see me for who I've always been but as time has passed and as the seasons have changed, as have I. I swear to nourish and nurture all parts of myself with every passing moment because it's what I deserve, and what I have always deserved. I'm here to tell you to stop selling yourself short. Stop accepting the short end of the stick. Stop shrinking yourself to make others comfortable. Stop looking through rose-colored glasses and pretending like everything is ok when you know in your heart that it isn't. You're deserving of so much more than that but accepting that starts from within. Change starts and ends with you. My mission for My Venus Soul has always been to inspire others to become their own knights in shining armor because the one to save you is you, and always has been you. It's time to start believing in yourself like you believe in your in your bestie. It's time to dive deep and become your own best friend, so you too, can begin to change your life.

If you need a push in the right direction and are interested in booking a reading with me, I'd be more than happy to assist you. My readings are filled with messages that the divine has for you, all tied together in a beautiful and harmonious way. I am not here to tell you what you want to hear and instead, what you need to hear in a loving yet direct manner. Click here to view the services that I have available, including a few new ones<3

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